Part 5: Goon Playthrough - Part 5


As much as I'd love to visit the lake, I suppose I should head directly into town.

I should probably head straight to Tobias' shop. Hm... strange. What's that crowd over there? Everyone seems to be surrounding that building. I wonder if someone around here can tell me what's going on.

Excuse me, ma'am. Could you tell me what that crowd is for?

A bunch of good for nothin' thugs took their hideout there! Bastards kidnapped a child! I'm sure you know it's market day today. Lotta folk come into town to trade their wares, but there's also the unwelcome element, you know what I mean? One of the merchants caught some ruffians red-handed, stealing from him, like it's no one's business! So we naturally grabbed whatever pointy thing came in handy, and made sure these lowlifes know we don't take kindly to thieves in this town! But those scum grabbed a child and locked themselves up in that house. They're threatening to kill the brat if anyone tries to enter.

That's horrible!

Oh, the poor mother. Thank goodness, some lads noticed Perraultthe Captain of the Prince's Guarddrinking in the inn. A few men went to fetch him from the tavern. He grabbed that blade of his, and went into the house without saying a thing. I wish that good for nothin' husband of mine would be so brave. But he's only good for drinking and complaining, I tell ya. It's been silent like a graveyard in the night, since the Captain went in. Who knows what happened there! Oh, such awful times we live in.

That truly is sad. Thank you for telling me. I hope that child doesn't get hurt. If the Captain of the Guard plans to fight, it's sure to be dangerous in there. Wait, everyone stopped talking. Did something happen? Someone is coming outside...

This might seem like a really

The child is safe now. Someone get rid of the bodies.

Everyone actually gets one of these splash screens when they're introduced, and I'll include those in the second post soon. For now, I wanted to show this one off so we can clearly see there are even more belts on his leg.

Wow! Did he just take care of an entire gang of bandits on his own? He acts like it wasn't even a big deal... He just disappeared without even waiting for any thanks. It feels as if he doesn't even care what anyone thinks of him. I'm intrigued to know what sort of man could do something so heroic, and yet remain so emotionless about the whole thing. It looks like the child has been reunited with his mother! What a relief. Uh oh. I'm running late now. I'd better go see Tobias right away.

I guess he was lucky those thieves didn't decided to rob this place instead of one of those poor merchants in the market.

I've just witnessed a terrible scene in the market! A group of brigands kidnapped a child and barricaded themselves in one of the houses.

Heavens! Did someone call the guards?

Luckily, the Captain was nearby and resolved the situation quickly. With his sword.

As messy as it may seem, that is his job. Glad to hear everyone's alright.

Not everyone. He killed all those men. I don't know how to feel about it.

You always had a gentle heart, Cinders.

Have you missed it?

Well, it's been too long since you last stopped by, that's for sure! How have you been?

Much the same. Carmosa works me to the bone every day, and there are times when I wish I could just disappear.

But I manage, and there are days that make me happy, like today. I'm so glad to see you again, Tobias. It looks like your shop is flourishing.

It does well enough. I hope you know that you can speak to me any time you want. We used to spend so much time together when we were teenagers. Now that we're adults, it seems like we hardly even catch a glimpse of each other. It's really a shame.
What do you know, I was wrong. She's not a teenager, apparently. She still acts pretty young though.

You're right. It feels like childhood friendships disappear once you mature. It's hard to keep them alive sometimes, even when you have the best of intentions.

Haha, such a true statement. But I assume you didn't come here just to remember the old days.

Sadly, no. I'm on an errand for Carmosa. I'm here to pay you for... Well, whatever it is she asked for. She's being very secretive about the whole thing.

Oh, that...